Monday, 6 June 2011

Tattoo Trend

If you’ve been thinking about getting some ink done, the International TattooConvention was the ideal place to check out the latest trends in tattoo culture. Southern Ink Xposure 2009 took place from the 23 to the 25th of January, and was held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. The event was the first of its kind in South Africa and featured top tattoo artists from around the globe and nifty tattoos like this UV tattoo you see here.
The convention was buzzing with ink enthusiasts who sported designs ranging from the small and delicate to the in-your-face outrageous. For tattoo virgins, it was the opportunity to take advantage of some great international talent. And for the colourful crowds who were already inked from head to toe – it was the chance to flaunt bold body art, and get another “tat” or two.
There was an abundance of unique designs on display, mostly in traditional black and colour tattoos.