Sunday, 14 March 2010

Amazing Macro of Hundred Dollar Bill

We sometimes are being fascinated by looking closer on things we are got used in our everyday life and stopped noticing, or even never noticed the smallest details they have.
For instance, the hundred dollar bill, a common thing I bet anyone has held in his hands for some occasion, but didn't probably had a chance to get a magnifying glass or a cool photo camera with power zoom to inspect every detail of it like a detective.
So what does this bill hiding from us? Let's take a camera and make close up shots that can tell it all!

First of all, there is micro-text hidden in the bottom left corner of the bill inside the "100" number. You probably can't see it with naked eye but digital zoom does this magic for us.

Then there is another piece of hidden text right on the jacket of Mr. Franklin. Can you see it on the photo above? If not, the next shot is more revealing:

Now it's more clear and can be seen. Not many know this trick, you can fascinate your friends on some party with this!

Now, there are many elements that are made in "3D" style with more "fat" printing, making them being able to "feel" with a touch.

Now this one you've probably see before - the small colorful fibres scattered across all the bill. They are pretty well seen with a normal eye on the white areas of the bill, but when magnified like this you can see that those are really pieces of colorful fiber threads.

Then, another thing that is pretty obvious when looking on the bill but is something very different when looking in such close up manner. The "100" sign at bottom right corner of the bill is printed with the help of special paint that changes it color changing its tones from green to black when you look on the bill from different angles. Now you can see what is the real color of this one.

The Franklin's portrait is made in special style of dots and strokes giving it's also a feel of the "volume".

Also, did you know why the dollars are green? There is a rumour that before they were black with only a green frame. This was in mid nineteen century, when the photography started getting its rise so some people started making... photocopies of the dollar bills. And because all the photography at that times was black and white (or dark brown and white) the green touch could help to fight those genius.

Also, you probably know what this green brick building is, but for those readers who've got no idea, that's an Independence Hall from Philadelphia, the place where the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.
Now, you probably get some more idea about such an old pal of ours, the hundred dollar bills and next time you might get a closer look to see all this yourself.